ESTEP is pleased to present its annual event H2 for Green Steel meets A Circular Economy driven by the European Steel in Linz (Austria), taking place from 29 October to 31 October 2024.
The ESTEP annual event 2024 aims at bringing together the European steel community to discuss two pillars of the Clean Steel Partnership towards C-lean processes: the hydrogen exploitation and the circular economy application.
Achievements, challenges and future expectations will be analysed thanks to contributions from different European steelmaking actors and to the presentations of current CSP projects. The event will allow the steel sector to meet other industrial sectors involved in the European Green Deal which are active actors in industrial symbiosis (e.g. cement, water and aluminium)
The event will include a tour of voestalpine Stahl Linz steelmaking plant and a celebration of 20th year of ESTEP foundation.
Download here the full program